kung Fu sydney group

ReOpening for your Sydney Martial Arts Training October 11!

Hey guys,

Well, it looks like we’re in a 14 day countdown! We are opening on Monday 11th October, if all goes to plan as the Government predicts.

If this is the case – and we hope it is! – you must book your spot in our Sydney classes ASAP. This is for all classes: Wing Chun, BJJ, Fitness & Conditioning, Boxing and Kids Martial Arts as all will have a cap of 20 people per class, as it stands now.

If we fill up for the class you’re after, try to make a lunch time class (12.15) or a late-evening class (7.15pm) as there are usually more room.

Finally, we will be able to shake off the COVID Lockdown and get rid of some ring rust.

With so much time to ponder, there are many new challenges on the horizon for us to enjoy such as: pre-comp workshops/courses that will simulate the pressues of gradings/competition, online private lessons, prepping for the soon to be inaugral Red Boat Kung Fu Friendship Games starting 2022 to name a few.

So plenty of fun to be had, but right now let’s get back on the mat, train hard and hit stuff.

See you on the mat,

Class Bookings: https://bit.ly/3kJBZOn


Hi guys,

This message is a heads up to all 6 week challengers that signed up prior to lockdown and either got started on it, or lockdown commenced before you had the chance.

In the absence of physically being able to work with you in the current conditions, on the 1st of September we are starting for you what we call the “Peak Performance” course.

On Wednesday, Sifu will be laying the foundation for the following 6 weeks, this will include a fitness test, body fat/body composition, heart rate recovery test and more.

Like all of our current/active students, all of our 6 week challengers have had access to our Facebook Livestream Group for your day-to-day martial arts and fitness training, but Peak Performance will be seperate and will be for “challengers” eyes only.

Between now and Wednesday we need to know exactly what equipment you have at your disposal so you can choose (and we can create) the appropriate workouts for you. You will also need the Teambuildr App so you can check in every day and we can monitor your progress. Please contact info@redboatkungfu.com if you cannot find your welcome email and we will resend the app info.

This program is designed to educate and challenge you to get into your best shape ever. You must be completely open about your food intake, training, consistency, motivation level etc. We will be in your corner every step of the way. That said, you are ultimately responsable for your outcomes.

Your first task is to establish your goals – your weight/bodyfat goals, lean muscle mass, etc. If you find this difficult because you have never been in top shape before we will assist you in creating a physical blueprint according to your current condition. It will be challenging but ultimately achievable.

All current challengers will be contacted shortly. Anyone wishing to get on board has 3 days to make your decision! Contact either of us (Sifu – 0423610695 / Amy – 0421637298) ASAP to find out about cost and registration.



Hi guys!

Hope you are all well. We have been livestreaming every day for quite a few weeks now and hope that you are making use of it all. I know not everyone is on Facebook, but if you make a dummy account just for access to the livestream groups, it’s worth it. Just make sure you answer the questions, so we know who you are, as this is limited to current Sydney members and current Red Boat Uni subscribers. Below are the links to the adult’s group and the kid’s group. There is a new instructors group, but instructors, you will receive that link in a separate email. Sifu is streaming 4 days per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 8:30am) with a couple of mat chats thrown in on his off days, and I’m streaming twice a week for adults (Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm) and once a week for kids (Tuesday at 5pm).

Facebook Livestream for Adults

Facebook Livestream for Kids

Parents of students, and students with kids!

We know that your demands have expanded and there’s been pressure to be many different things. So we’re making an effort to find ways to help you. The kids livestream group is active again, their second class was on Tuesday night. A fantastic turnout! And we had a mat chat at the end… which for the younger kids, the ideas would have been big enough to plant some healthy seeds, but not necessairly understand completely, yet still have some useful strategies to do every day to enhance their well-being. If your child missed it, please give it a watch.

We will also be releasing a small (at this stage) series of meditations for the kids, suitable from about 5 yrs old onwards. Meditation is a great way to help your children be present – in the moment – manage their emotions and relationships. Each meditation will be geared for something specific. Todays one is a little introduction to how meditation can be useful and developing a safe place.

We also would like to share with you two resources. One is a FREE app for parents/care-givers/educators, it’s also Australian, it’s for 0-5 year olds, it’s simple and useful and it’s based on the most recent, current research findings in applyable healthy child development activities, strategies and principles. It can be found on: https://www.brighttomorrows.org.au/

Some of these principles and ideas – I believe, with a little creativity – can be morphed into guiding principles for communicating and supporting older kids. Still, there is a more age appropriate resource, also free and also based on current and applyable research. It’s full of great ideas and resources, it’s not an app, so not quite as user-friently, BUT it’s well set out and certainly useful: https://characterlab.org/

These resources are FREE and we do not recieve any monetary or publicity gains from sharing this with you.

If you or your children need to chat, or any of our members at all need us, please text me (Amy) on 0421 637 298 and I will call you as soon as I can. It could sometimes take up to 24hrs to respond as I work in an environment where phones are not allowed.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon, if not in person, then online for now will have to do!!!

This week’s meditation, “Introduction to Meditation and a Safe Place”:

Background music by Kevin MacLeod – Meditation Impromptu 03

Hi guys,

We hope you are all healthy, happy and overall well!

A week ago we sent out an email stating we were taking the moment / opportunity of lockdown to recalibrate. Thank you for allowing us the time to focus on us! Though we are missing you all very much.

Faced with the fact that this lockdown is definitely going on for longer than we would hope and even greater restrictions will be in effect as of Monday, consider us back.

As of tomorrow Sifu will be live streaming in our Facebook Livestream Group. His focus topics will be the Wing Chun Blueprint of Footwork, Blocks and Strikes. There will be mini challenges and mat chats thrown in as well. He will be live streaming every second day at 8:30am – so this week will be Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, next week will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, and so-on.

I will be contributing to the live streams as well, though given my work commitments they will be at odd hours and irregular times! I will however be live streaming my workouts, they will mostly be stretching, moving meditation and forms, weight training and shadow boxing/heavy bag work. Oh and burpees of course.

Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/3snFOKe 

See you on the mat!

The Spain’s


Hi everyone,

We hope you are staying healthy and well during this lockdown. Hopefully some restrictions will be lifted at the end of next week, time will tell. We also don’t know what things will look like post lockdown. For the moment we are taking this opportunity to recalibrate, so things have been quiet from us.

Until we’re on the other side of this, stay fit and healthy!



💪👊Winter Warrior Challenge starts this Sunday 27th June!👊💪

Come join us on the 12 week winter challenge!

Simply put, most people get dieting and training for the best version of themselves – especially that summer body – 180 degrees  wrong. They hibernate in winter, pack on some weight, then slowly …very slowly, start reining it in late spring or even at the beginning of summer! So by the time they are starting look and feel good it’s too late and they have missed most, if not all of the beach culture – being able walk tall in  the knowledge that they look and feel fantastic.

The 12 week Winter Warrior challenge gets us in shape in the colder months and we’ll show you how to keep the momentum going all spring and summer.

You will have access to the Peak Performance strategies and tactics to create your healthiest and best version of yourself – and yes, you will be held accountable with daily and weekly check-ins.

All you have to do is follow the program and we guarantee success.


So if you’re tired of going around in circles, join the Challenge!


Brief outline:

This Sunday (27th June) starts at 11am with a weigh-in, fitness test, goal setting and basic eating guidelines.

Sunday 4th July is the beginning of the fortnightly Peak Performance workshop series where we delve deeper into your habits, dietary requirements and even sleep patterns.

Every other Sunday will be a mixture of workouts, fitness tests and problem solving sessions.

You have access to one 1hr Sport Psychology session to help you with whatever is holding you back – cravings, self-doubt, bad habits and anything else you can think of.

Workouts for lean muscle gain and body fat loss, plus workouts to enhance your martial arts training is delivered daily, along with monitoring your body composition and general health and wellbeing.

To encourage you to stay on track this winter, everyone on the Challenge will receive rewards (Kung Fu Dollars – KFD) for every class attended, every kilo of body fat lost and every kilo of lean muscle gained. At the end of the challenge you cash in! Your KFD rewards can go towards fees, equipment and seminars/workshops!

How can you say no?

Active Red Boat Kung Fu get all this at half price!

PM to book today!


kids kung fu redfern


Dear Mums, Dads and Guardians,


The next grading for your children is on Saturday 26th at 11am. If you have not downloaded already, please click on the link below for the grading curriculum:

Kids Grading Sheets


The cost for grading is $30 per child, please pay as you arrive so we can focus on assessments.


Additionally, as requested we ordered stock for children’s True Boxing T-Shirts. Since we did not have a pre-sale for kids, we are supplying all kids shirts at the pre-sale price of $39. (No hoodies, just the tees).




Hi guys!

Great day yesterday, thanks for all who attended or were there in spirit. Photos and a wrap up of the day will be posted soon (having George Gittoes there was definitely a treat).

Confirming that due to Monday being a public holiday, we are closed for classes. Please enjoy the day off and we’ll see you again on Tuesday!

Class Themes, ***Reminder Class Time Changes Tomorrow***, Jonny’s Day and Catch-up Sessions

Tonight’s 6:30 class with Vadim main focus will be on using range to deliver close weapon strikes, uppercuts and hooks with sparring at the end.

***No Conditioning tomorrow, but there will be a 9am Wing Chun class followed by 10am Kids Kung Fu – Kids Kung Fu class will build on grappling, arm drag and spin takedown.***

Jonny’s Day starts with laying flowers at the shrine at 11am in the Kwoon, 11:30 at Martin Place Cenotaph for laying the wreath, then we move on to the Orient Hotel for lunch. Sifu has selected a $60 set menu package for food. You only pay if you plan to eat, it includes 3 courses and some yummy selections for all tastes. You can come to the venue whether you are eating or not.

FYI: Catch-up sessions are 30 minute one-on-one sessions available to all active members for FREE every 30 to 60 days depending on your membership level and typically run by me (Amy). It can be a mini training session, nutting out grading material or it can even be for problem solving fears, anxieties and other mental obstacles. I had a great session with a student today problem solving such things. Contact us to book in!


Dear Members, Mums and Dads,

Saturday 12th June marks the 25th year since Australia’s worst peacetime military aviation disasters and the loss of our Kung Fu son and brother Jonathan Church member #06.

As part of our traditions, on this day we lay a wreath at the Shrine in the Kwoon, then make our way to Martin Place to do the same at the Cenotaph. Afterwards we locate to The Orient Hotel for a light lunch. While it’s a sombre topic it is a lovely day of reminiscing and reflection and everyone is invited to share in this tradition.

To accommodate the day we are cancelling the Conditioning class and bringing the adults Kung Fu class forward to 9am, and the Kids Kung Fu Class forward to 10am. Both classes on this day will run to 50 minutes instead of the full hour.

Thank you all for your understanding and we hope to see you on the day!

Kuen Yao Sum Faat
