What an amazing day yesterday!! Massive congratulations to Damien, what an amazing spirit! Can’t wait to edit the highlight reel as nothing I say could reflect how awesome his grading was. I know March got some great footage too so will be sure to share that too once he’s worked his magic on it. Congratulations again Damien.

In summary, morning 7am and evening 7:15/6:30 classes are not on for a while.

Classes next week are limited to:

  • Monday: 12:15 Wing Chun & 5:45 Wing Chun
  • Tuesday: 5:45 Wing Chun
  • Wednesday: 12:15 Wing Chun & 5:45 Wing Chun
  • Thursday: 12:15 open mat/rolling & 6pm BJJ
  • Friday: 12:15 Sparring
  • Saturday: 10am Wing Chun
  • Sunday 24th: CLOSED


  • Monday 25th: CLOSED
  • Tuesday 26th: 8am-10am open mat
  • Wednesday 27th: CLOSED
  • Thursday 28th: 10am-12noon open mat
  • Friday 29th: 10am-12noon open mat
  • Saturday 30th: 8am-10am open mat
  • Sunday 31st: CLOSED


  • Monday 1st: CLOSED
  • Tuesday 2nd: 2hrs of open mat time – actual time TBC – either 8-10am or 4-6pm
  • Wednesday 3rd: First class 12:15 Wing Chun, 5:45pm Wing Chun; 7:15pm TBC – we may resume 7:15 classes the following week.

Hope you all have a fantastic Xmas and New Year!!

Saturday’s grading was fantastic! There are plenty of photos and videos on our Facebook page, check them out here if you haven’t seen them already.

This Friday Karen, Frances and Dave are going for their next level Red stripes. Karen & Frances for 3rd, Dave for 4th. So there will be sparring, chi sau sparring, weapons sparring and weapon forms, chi sau technical and wooden dummy. The grading starts at 10am and is open to Black belts only. Lunch class will be cancelled for the day.

Saturday is Damen’s Gold belt grading. Open to everyone to watch. Bring friends and family too as all are welcome. The end of year party is afterwards at the Abbotts Hotel.

We are closed over Xmas and New Year period from Sunday 24th December – Tuesday 2nd January inclusive. Opening again for classes on Wednesday 3rd Jan. This only means about 4 days that aren’t public holidays that we are actually closed.

In saying that, Sifu will be seeing his private student over the break, at those times that we’re in the mat will be open for you to do your own training. We will post this on Facebook in advance.

There will be an end of year raffle at the party, main prize is a weapons pack: Dragon Pole, Kali Sticks, Butterfly Swords and Nunchaku. Tix are $5 each or $10 for 3.

Cover charge for party is $20 per person. Sorry they cannot allow kids at the Abbotts.



Good luck everyone for tomorrow’s Summer Grading, last whole school grading for the year. Everyone is looking superb. No Conditioning class tomorrow at 9am but do get in early to warm up and work off those last minute nerves. We have two Black belts going off, so we expect seniors to be on hand for sparring rounds! Bring friends and family too as always a fun day.

Next Friday is a Red stripe grading for Frances, Karen and Dave, starts at 10am and is open to Black belts and above. Then Saturday is Damien’s Gold belt!! Damien is fit and strong and ready. It’s going to be great. Starts at 10am, so be on time. Again, friends and family welcome. If it’s your first Gold belt, make an effort to come in as it’s an awesome thing to watch.

End of Year party is held after the Gold belt grading, at the Abbotts Hotel, cost is $20 per person to cover the food – please pay cash.

Good luck everyone!!

As promised, Sifu is putting on a free workshop this Sunday for grading practise. So for all who are grading this will be a good solid 2 hrs of immersion in your grading material for next Saturday. Starts at 10:30 and will run for 2 hrs.

Next Tuesday at 5pm – 6pm is a girls only BJJ class, so hope to see all the girls there!

Locker Fees: throughout the year you should have received an email saying that your locker fees were due – if you have a locker of course. I’ve just had a look and there are quite a number of locker fees that are well overdue. Could everyone who has a locker please clear up your payment? If you’re not sure shoot me an email and I’ll check. I’d rather not have to chase everyone.

The end of year party is organised, confirming that it is at the Abbotts Hotel after Damien’s Gold belt grading on the 16th December. There will be finger food and a cover charge of $20 per person to cover it.

Lastly a quick last minute shout out to see if anyone, anyone’s business or place of employment would like to donate a product or service for our end of year raffle? They will get mentions on our website and social media pages in the lead up to and after the draw at the end of year party, it’s a great fundraiser for the Kwoon and your support is appreciated!

Cheers guys!!

This Sunday is Sifu’s Kicking Workshop! It starts at 10:30am, runs for 2hrs and will be a great workout, giving you skills and drills to take away with you for life. It’s $60 for the day and cash is preferred!!

The girls are planning another BJJ girls only class – not to exclude the guys of course but to encourage us girls to get into it! – that will take place on Tuesday 5th from 5pm-6pm.

Morning crew and those planning to train mornings next year, we’re having an informal meeting on Thursday 7th December at morning class time 7am, to discuss training goals for next year – including fitness, BJJ & Wing Chun goals. From this we will start working on the class plans for next year, so that when you come in to train, you’re coming in for more than just a quick workout before work, you’re coming in to take one step closer to achieving your desired outcomes.

Lastly, Summer Grading is coming up on the 9th December. Get your names down and grading practise in. (BJJ grading is Thursday prior). Red Stripe grading is Friday December 15th – this is open to all Black Belts and above only. Damien’s Gold Belt grading is on the 16th December starting 10am – friends and family welcome – it’s a fantastic day. Afterwards is the end of year party including end of year awards.

So please get those dates in your diary! And get your names down for all events that you are attending!!



Another quick shout out.

Sifu is in all day today and hopes to see you all as he’s flying out first thing tomorrow morning to begin his end of year seminar tour in QLD and then NZ next week. He’ll be back for the Sunday Weapons Workshop and next Monday’s classes. End of year grading isn’t far off and he wants to give us all as much time as possible so let’s give him a great send off!

AND the picture says it all, but we have a new Champion in the family, Rhiannon from Tracey’s school in Tassie won Saturday night’s Brace Women’s Bantamweight Championship! After dominating the first 4 rounds she finished the 5th with a RNC.

Well done Rhiannon and team!


Weapons workshop this Sunday at 10:30 – baton, sticks and nunchaku. The ultimate seminar on blunt force trauma. 10:30 start, $60 for the workshop, if you would like a practise set of nunchaku add $55. All can be paid online here:

Platinum level Red Boat University members can look forward to seeing this Workshop on the growing list of resources at redboatuniversity.com

Latest offer is 25% off Platinum membership with coupon code REDBOATPLATINUM25

Greetings  and salutations,

Well were at the pointy bit at last, on our way to a big finish. These are the events for the rest of the year:

Sunday 12th: Weapons Day – baton, sticks and nunchaku. The ultimate seminar on blunt force trauma. 10:30 start $60

Sunday the 26th: last seminar of the year. Ultimate kicks. From the humble front kick to the jumping spinning side kick, were going to do it all. 10:30 start $60

Saturday 2nd of December: Kids Grading from 11am.

Sunday 3rd of December:  Grading prep. From 10.30 till 12.30. It’s free its for you so don’t miss it.

End of year Grading on Sat 9th. Let’s finish big on new belts! We have Frances, Karen and Dave grading Red stripes on Friday the 15th and Damien going for gold on Saturday 16th. That’s huge. End of year gathering and finally …party !

As you know I’m spreading  the  love in QLD then NZ soon. Stay focused. Keep your eye on the prize. Listen to your seniors – they know what they’re doing.

Peace love and choke holds,




A wonderful surprise for Sifu at John Will’s BJJ seminar was to be awarded his Black Belt in Will/Machado BJJ. Andrew wrote a lovely blog that will do better than anything I could write so here it is: https://andrewn23-myma.blogspot.com.au/2017/10/new-black-belt-rick-spain.html you will also find Andrew’s write up of the seminar on that blog site too.

And Sifu has recently recorded a Vlog about the day that can be seen here: https://youtu.be/V7ZLiBB4HvI

Just a quick update about the mid-season grading, due to the fact that the time between the Summer grading and this one is too short, we’ve decided to cancel it. However if you have been prepping for a tip then please speak up! As we can readily accommodate a group tip grading.

Once again big congrats to Sifu, it means a lot to him and a great deal to the organisation as a whole.

See you on the mat.


The John Will seminar is open to and suitable for all levels of experience as we will be starting right at the beginning of 1/2 guard AND you have two BJJ sessions left this week to brush up on the basics of 1/2 guard as well. This is arguably one of the most important guards to know how to work with in BJJ. John is an amazing coach and it would be disappointing seminar to miss. Starts at 9am finish at 11, cost $80. Be sure to put your name down at the front desk. You can also register and pay online here: http://www.redboatkungfu.com/event/2223/

Kids start back up again this Saturday! We hope everyone has had a wonderful break and are ready to get back into training. It’s the beginning of a new term so if parents could please remember to either pay online or at the desk this weekend that would be great.

The Red Boat University is progressing smoothly ahead, everyone with Platinum and Instructor level membership now has access to all workshops and seminars. Recently made available are: Wooden Dummy, Forms Masterclass v1, Urban Survival Seminar, Butterfly Sword Seminar, Knife Combat Seminar, Chi Sau Advanced and Sifu’s book The Lost Art of Wing Chun is available to you for download. $25 foundation memberships are still available for Platinum level access – which means you get access to all material and updates with the exclusion of “Instructor’s Eyes Only”. If you are training at one of our schools already, the University is an invaluable tool for your at home training, training while travelling, grading preparation and mastery. If you are outside of access to one of our schools, this is your opportunity to learn, train, grade and progress through the most advanced and complete Wing Chun systems on the planet. We will be launching publicly within the next few weeks which pushes us through to the next price bracket, so there is limited time to secure $25 a month, simply go to https://www.wckfuniversity.com/pricing/ select the PLATINUM membership and enter coupon code REDBOATAUSCHOOLS .

See you on the mat.