Morning everyone!
We hope you are all well and as dry as you can be.
Frances is continuing her Sparring Clinic theme for todays lunch time Wing Chun class – everyone is getting great results so make it in if you can.
Sparring is light and breezy for your first grading, then we start to increase the pressure from level 3 onwards. So working on your technical sparring skills is highly recommended.
Tonight at 6:30pm Vadim is teaching forms as part of the warm up. The main theme is chi sao rolling and basic applications from last week. We will also look at introduction to bil gee strikes. Sparring at the end (bring your 16oz gloves).
For anyone prepping for your level 7 belt or tips for level 7, or you’re not there yet but wondering what lay ahead, bil gee strikes are part of your level 7 grading assessments. Additionally, you begin getting assessed on chi sau as of level 3 in the way of chi sau drills, eventually leading up to double arm chi sau from level 5.
Classes today:
12.15pm Wing Chun (Sparring Clinic)
6.30pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
Classes Saturday:
9am Conditioning
10am Wing Chun Kung Fu
11.15am Juniors All Ages
See you on the mat.
Red Boat Team