Dear members,

End of year is approaching! This week is all about tips. Friday 3rd lunch and evening classes, plus Satruday 4th 10am class will be Wing Chun Tip assessment classes. Please get your name down and specify what class you will be getting assessed in.

If you are not going for tips still come to class! You will get your workout in and be support for whoever is grading!

Sunday 5th is BJJ grading, I know there are definitely a few keen for their next stripe, grading rego form will be in the desk from tonight for you to get your name down.

Kids grading is on Saturday 11th December at usual class time of 11.15am. We will definitely run overtime so parents please be prepared for this. If it is impossible for you/your child to make this day and time, please let us know and we can arrange an assessment during class on the Wednesday or Thursday. For your reference click on this link for an older post containing the kid’s grading structure:

Saturday 18th December will start with a 9am Kids class (final for the year) and will include games and award presentations. This will be followed by the adults Wing Chun End of Year grading (for Belt changes), award presentations and the end of year party.

So we have some busy weekends coming up!

Grading fees as follows:

Adults Wing Chun gradings (tips or belt change) $90
Kids grading (stripe or belt change) $30
BJJ grading (stripe or belt change) $60

Any questions or concerns please call 0421 637 298 or email

See you on the mat!


Hi guys,

Quick note before gradings are discussed, the Advanced Butterfly Sword Workshop this Sunday will cover Sword on Sword techniques as well as all else explained in the previous email.

Grading and important dates for your diary:

  • Adults Tips Grading will run over 3 classes and 2 days – December 3rd (Friday) 12.15pm and 6.30pm classes and December 4th (Saturday) 10am class.

***For the Tips gradings we will assess you within the timeframe of these classes (so other classes ie: 9am conditioning and 11.15am kids on the Saturday will not be affected), it is therefore very important that when you put your name down for your Tip that you also nominate which class you will be attending for that assessment.***

  • Kids End of Year Grading – Saturday 11th December at 11.15am – all ages all levels.

  • The final kids class for the year will be early – 9am – on Saturday December 18th. There will be games and Kid’s Award presentations… the first we’ve had at the Headquarters ever! It’s early because the adults end of year grading will take up the afternoon.

  • Adults End of Year Grading – Belt Assessments – 10am Saturday December 18th. This will be followed by our end of year party which will most likely be at the ATOMIC Brewery!

Grading fees are: 
Adults $90
Kids $30

We will most likely look at a set menu at the ATOMIC… watch this space… last time it was $65 per person.


Dear friends and members,

This is a reminder to everyone that this Sunday is the Advanced Butterfly Sword Workshop, starting at 11am.

Sifu will spend one hour at the beginning on the basics. So if you have not done Butterfly Sword before your foundations will be covered then. If you have done Butterfly Sword before then this will be valuable revision for you. The proceeding 2 hours will be the Advanced Butterfly Sword material including the Advanced Butterfly Sword form.

Starting at 11am this Sunday, finishing around 2pm. Worshop fee with and without training swords available. Follow this link to book in!


Wing Chun and Sparring Timetable Change on Wednesday Nights

Hi guys!

Great news about mask exemption for indoor exercise! If you’re in the gym or on the mat there is now no legal requirement for you to wear a mask.

Please keep pre-booking for classes – even after the 20 max cap is abolished – it really helps us manage classes and service to you.

Wednesday Night Classes – Time Change

Bottom line is we just don’t have enough time between classes to spar. When we moved to Redfern – so that people could still make the early classes – we changed class start times from 5.30pm to 6pm for the first evening class, and 7pm to 7.15pm for the second evening class, but this sacrificed precious sparring time.

So on Wednesday nights we are opening up the mat from 7pm – 7.30pm for dedicated sparring time.

The late Wednesday class will start at 7.30pm and run for 45mins. Finishing at 8.15pm.

The Wednesday 7.30pm class, while still suitable for beginners, will not run in a 4 week course structure, but will be a dedicated Wing Chun Foundations class:

“Wednesday night Wing Chun Foundations focuses on Chi Sau, Forms and Techniques related to your grading material. Balanced with a strong fitness and conditioning element to ensure you are fighting fit for your Gradings! This is a 45 minute class suitable for both beginners and advanced students.”

So you can expect drilling technique and combos, chi sau, forms, fitness and conditioning (including stretching and strengthening).

Another way to maximise sparring class time is, if you intend to spar after the 6pm class get your sparring kits out at the beginning of the 6pm, not at the end. If your gear is out and ready to go – so are you. This means more time, more rounds, more reps.

Let’s get into it!

See you on the mat.

Click here to book into your martial arts class of choice!

martial arts sparring sydney

Hi guys!

A huge congratulations to our Peak Performance Phase One graduates! They have achieved some fantastic results in muscle growth and fat loss and are now just starting the Peak Performance Phase Two.

Phase One will start again on 31st October! So if you missed the boat last time you have a second chance at change!

Phase One had amazing outcomes, as follows:

Frances – body fat from 32.6% down to 27.2%; body weight from 67.8kg to 65.3 kg; and lean body mass from 45.69kg to 47.53kg.

Lynn – body fat 34% down to 18.8%; body weight from 79kg down to 74kg; and lean body mass from 52.14kg up to 60.08.

Nico – body fat from 19.7% to 15.3%; body weight 84.4kg to 80.1kg; and lean body mass stable at 64.7kg to 64.5kg.

Damien – body fat from 15% to 13.3%; body weight 92.3kg to 87.8kg; and lean body mass from 74.5kg to 78.4kg.

Everyone stripped fat and built muscle. They are fitter, stronger, leaner and are armed with an eating plan for life.

Phase 2 is continuing with fat loss but now they are in a building phase and looking better every day.

The next Peak Performance Phase One starts on Sunday the 31st October at 9am at the Headquarters in Redfern. The cost is $599 which covers you for the 6 weeks of education and monitoring.

To get to phase two of our course in the science of body recomposition, you must pay attention and put in the work in phase one.

Anyone wishing to do this online please contact me personally via email. This course worked by correspondance/online during lockdown so it can certainly work with the resources of an equipped gym now everything is open.

If you are in Sydney however, there is no reason why you can’t do this in person.

If you want to lose body fat and/or gain muscle, don’t miss this.

Get focused on your goals, sign up today! Email to register.


Week So Far: Wing Chun, Kung Fu, Boxing and Kids Martial Arts Classes – BJJ to come!

Hi guys!

What a great week it has been already for training. We had a fantastic turnout on Monday with the 6pm Wing Chun class fully booked plus the lunch and 7.15pm Kung Fu classes getting off to a great start.

Last night was Boxing. It felt great to hit a moving target! We’re not making touch contact yet as per restrictions, but mitts and shields are allowed.

Today we have a full day of classes here in Redfern! Starting with the Wing Chun lunch class at 12.15, under 10s/Kids Martial Arts class at 4.15pm, more Kung Fu at 6pm and finishing with the 7.15pm class. The 7.15pm Wednesday class will still be very suitable for beginners in Martial Arts, but will focus on drilling the week’s themes, getting a good workout and foundations training.

Class bookings.

If your desired class is booked out, you can now put yourself on the wait list for that class and if a spot becomes available we will let you know. Otherwise, you can come in to do your own training even if a class is full as we do have the space to allow it.

Kid’s in Adult Classes.

Just a bit of housekeeping here guys! Having kids in adult classes poses a number of risks and for the most part we cannot allow this to occur. On the occasions that we do allow it, we will invite you/your child to the class, the child must train with their parent, and consideration will be dependent on size and weight, skill level, age and experience of the child. We appreciate your understanding on this matter. When your child is in their teens please feel free to contact us to see when and under what conditions your child may yet be suitable for attending some adult classes.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

BJJ is on tomorrow at 6pm. Due to 1.5m rule the focus will have to be on conditioning and solo drills for Jiu Jitsu and whatever crazy things March has in store for you! It’s even really a good time to have a look at BJJ if you’re initially uncomfortable with the idea of rolling around on the ground with someone, as for the next 2 weeks you won’t be! So jump in and get acclimatised to the ground.

See you on the mat.


Freedom Day For Our Martial Arts Family!

Hi guys,

We are very much looking forward to re-opening tomorrow (freedom day!) with our first martial arts class being Wing Chun Kung Fu at 12.15pm, 6pm, then 7.15pm.

Monday at 6pm is fully booked so please look into either the 7.15pm or midday class. The rest of the week’s classes are filling up too, so please book in asap to secure your spot.

Booking link here.

Only 20 people can participate in each class but we can have almost double that in the kwoon itself. So if you have missed out on booking your preferred class and that’s the only time you can train, you can come in to do your own thing.

Current rules for training under COVID restricted conditions in Sydney are:

  • 1.5m physical distancing – we will be primarily doing solo drills in class. This includes BJJ.
  • Focus mitts, pool noodles and kick shields may be used. Take one set of mitts per person (rather than one set between partners) where possible.
  • Pick your partner and stick with them for the duration of the class.
  • Use your own 16 oz gloves and other protective gear. If you don’t have your own…. WHY??? We do supply protective equipment. Some we currently have in stock, some you may need to pre-order.
  • Clean whatever equipment you used aat the end class please!
  • Sparring classes will need to be cancelled for 2 weeks, sorry everyone…
  • Both doors at the Kwoon entry and the rear door must be open during class times, if you notice a door is closed please open it.
  • Fans need to be on during class times and TURNED OFF once training is over – again if you notice any fans left on at closing time please turn them off or notify the instructor.
  • Face masks do need to be worn whilst training indoors at this stage.
  • Please Temp Check when you arrive (over 37.5 is a high temperature) and check in using the QR code and confirm your class attendance on Clubworx.
  • If you have forgotten your phone only then do you need to manually sign in using the log sheet.
  • Wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitiser provided
  • If you feel unwell please stay at home and get tested.
  • At this stage, if you are 16 yrs or over you need to be fully vaccinated to train.
  • Please email your Vaccination Certificate (screen shots are fine) so that we can note in your membership file that it has been sighted. If you have done this already, thank you! You don’t need to do it again.
  • Where possible, arrive ready to train and/or shower and change back into your civilian clothes at home.
  • Please don’t expect us to bend any rules the government has put upon us, we cannot compromise the Kwoon.

We understand if all of these rules frustrate you, it’s just a matter of time now before we can train with masks off, drill together start sparring again. BJJ tragics… it’s only 4 classes of solo drills and BJJ specific conditioning… you can do it!!!

Thank you everyone!

See you Monday!


Sydney Re-Opens! Wing Chun Kung Fu is BACK on the Agenda!

Greetings and Salutations!

We are super excited with only one week to go to re-open our Sydney doors for training. Classes are already filling up, so dont’ forget to book – pre-booking is required for ALL CLASSES ie Wing Chun, True Boxing, BJJ, Fitness and Kids Martial Arts / Kung Fu Classes.

Kick off is Monday 11th October at 12.15pm for the Wing Chun Lunch Class, followed by Teens Martial Arts at 4.15pm, then Adults Kung Fu at 6pm and 7.15pm for the evening sessions. So get your gear ready!

There has been many questions about when we will be filming the new grading structure, the answer is ASAP. We are looking at starting this Thursday next week. To get it out there as quickly as possible it’s going to be a little rough and ready with not a lot of editing – essentially “for our eyes only”. I’ll keep you posted.

Peak Performers are starting to nail their diet and training . The just finished Hell Week. Congratulations!

I am expecting great things from them.

I will be making an announcement tomorrow regarding our end of year goals such as Gradings, Pre-Comp Training and the Advanced Butterfly Sword Seminar. This will be open to those that have taken up the sword already and can demonstrate a level of proficiency. So a Butterfly Sword revision class will precede the workshop.

Again, dates to be announced.

So get focused and get ready because we have serious ground to make up!

See you on the mat,

#sydney #martialarts #mixedmartialarts #sydneylife #martial #martialartslife #martialartist #martialartstraining #martialart #martialartsathletes #martialartskids #martialartsfamily



Dear Parents & Guardians,

Please be advised that the Kids classes are starting on the week beginning 11th October. While your children may be physically going back to school on the 18th, we are allowed to start operating again a week earlier …so we are! This is a shorter term (9 weeks), but we often run the kids classes over 11 weeks and we are live streaming up until we re-open.

(Last week’s live stream included a project to be completed by first class back! Please view here!)

There is only two changes to our kids timetable coming into this term, and that is the Saturday All Ages Martial Arts class will start at 11:15am, and the Teenagers Kung Fu class in Redfern is moving to Mondays. We are moving this class from Wednesday at 5:15pm to Monday at 4:15pm. The Monday 4:15pm class is for your older children aged 9+yrs. The Wednesday 4:15pm martial arts class is for your younger children aged 5-9yrs.

So all kids classes during the week will have concluded by 5pm leaving the mat clear for adults to safely warm up, train and spar prior to adult classes.

Please register ASAP as due to COVID restrictions we are limited to 20 per class!


Next year we will be focusing on expanding our kids program. The goal is to have kid’s kung fu classes here in Sydney 6 days per week! This will also mean having age specific classes and opening up to your even younger children aged 4-5. When we get to that point we can even start looking at school holiday programs. a “Junior Masters” program (for aspiring young martial arts and fitness coaches) and kids kung fu gradings will be more regular.

There’s lots to be done, but in the meantime let’s train hard and have fun.

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team

#kids #martialarts #instakids #kidsactivities #martialartstraining #martialart #kidsmartialarts #martialartslife #kidsplay #kidslife #martialartist #kidsstuff #martialartskids #martialartsathletes #martialartsfamily #martialartsmovies


kung Fu sydney group

ReOpening for your Sydney Martial Arts Training October 11!

Hey guys,

Well, it looks like we’re in a 14 day countdown! We are opening on Monday 11th October, if all goes to plan as the Government predicts.

If this is the case – and we hope it is! – you must book your spot in our Sydney classes ASAP. This is for all classes: Wing Chun, BJJ, Fitness & Conditioning, Boxing and Kids Martial Arts as all will have a cap of 20 people per class, as it stands now.

If we fill up for the class you’re after, try to make a lunch time class (12.15) or a late-evening class (7.15pm) as there are usually more room.

Finally, we will be able to shake off the COVID Lockdown and get rid of some ring rust.

With so much time to ponder, there are many new challenges on the horizon for us to enjoy such as: pre-comp workshops/courses that will simulate the pressues of gradings/competition, online private lessons, prepping for the soon to be inaugral Red Boat Kung Fu Friendship Games starting 2022 to name a few.

So plenty of fun to be had, but right now let’s get back on the mat, train hard and hit stuff.

See you on the mat,

Class Bookings:
