Dear members,
End of year is approaching! This week is all about tips. Friday 3rd lunch and evening classes, plus Satruday 4th 10am class will be Wing Chun Tip assessment classes. Please get your name down and specify what class you will be getting assessed in.
If you are not going for tips still come to class! You will get your workout in and be support for whoever is grading!
Sunday 5th is BJJ grading, I know there are definitely a few keen for their next stripe, grading rego form will be in the desk from tonight for you to get your name down.
Kids grading is on Saturday 11th December at usual class time of 11.15am. We will definitely run overtime so parents please be prepared for this. If it is impossible for you/your child to make this day and time, please let us know and we can arrange an assessment during class on the Wednesday or Thursday. For your reference click on this link for an older post containing the kid’s grading structure:
Saturday 18th December will start with a 9am Kids class (final for the year) and will include games and award presentations. This will be followed by the adults Wing Chun End of Year grading (for Belt changes), award presentations and the end of year party.
So we have some busy weekends coming up!
Grading fees as follows:
Adults Wing Chun gradings (tips or belt change) $90
Kids grading (stripe or belt change) $30
BJJ grading (stripe or belt change) $60
Any questions or concerns please call 0421 637 298 or email
See you on the mat!