Greetings to all the Red Boat Kung Fu members and welcome to 2021.
As 2020 slips into the rear view mirror, we can now concentrate on the task at hand and that is the continuing evolution of our system, the development of elite level instructors and of course helping you on your martial journey.
As all instructors are aware I have redeveloped the entire grading structure to more accurately reflect where we are in our evolution. This will provide you with some necessary and exciting challenges and lift our game across the board. Gradings will increase to every 2 months as every second grade will be Tip Grading which is now much more comprehensive and is compulsory before a belt change to ensure quality control. Obviously you will need time to get a handle on new material, so grading dates are at the discretion of each branch instructor. Starting with Tips and finally ending the year on a belt change.
Grading fees have not increased in over a decade and schools simply cannot absorb the cost vs outcomes and efforts by everyone involved. So grading fees are $90 per Tip – you will receive a stripe on your belt and certification for that level – and $100 per Belt Change – includes your belt and certification. I will not make direct comparisons, but can most definitely assure you that this is a fraction of what most organisations charge.
For the Headquarters here in Sydney, there is also now a 3 tier membership package – standard, silver and gold – with corresponding benefits and discount. These will be explained in another message.
Finally I want to discuss the Wing Chun Blueprint. For the past 45 years I have tested and measured this amazing system. Now each aspect of it has a blueprint attached to it. Look at the grading structure as the big picture blueprint. But every part of it has its corresponding blueprint. My motivation for this was to ensure everyone and I mean everyone has the tools necessary to achieve excellence. All you have to do is turn up and put in a big effort, we and your coaches will do the rest.
So, once again welcome back to the mat. See you soon.
Kuen Yao Sum Faat,
Sifu Rick Spain