6:30pm Wing Chun tonight with Vadim: setups – setting up the rear cross and finsishing with sparring.
9am Saturday morning Conditioning with Frances: 5 min warm-up, 20min amrap – everyone picks an exercise! Then boxing, pyramid set plus a few surpises thrown in the mix!
10am Wing Chun with Sifu: Recap of this week and intro to next.
11am Kids Kung Fu with Damien: completing the picture of the basic blocks. Stretching for side kicks, then it’s takedowns for all!
Saturday 21st March is our first grading for the year!
Sunday 29th March 11am – 3pm Alexandria Sunday Funday in Alexandria Park. We have a stall, so come down and say hi! Even demo your favorite technique! We’ll have the crashmats and be teaching mini kung fu lessons.
Sunday 5th April is the first weapons workshop for the year on Butterfly Sword. Package with and without the practice swords will be available.