Hi guys …big class tonight ..Wooden dummy set 6 with technical breakdown and application…dont miss it ! Sifu
Get in tonight for Vadim’s 6:30pm Wing Chun class!
The theme for the evening is:
Close range combat. Working the clinch, short strikes from close and getting the back to takedowns.
Tomorrow’s 9am session with Frances will be: warm up, conditioning – partnered circuit, boxing and kicking combos then stretching.
10am is with Sifu.
See you there!
12:15 BJJ with Andrew is tailored to who comes to class!
5:45 Scuderia Gonzoil BJJ with March
Rubber Guard armbars revision, Rubber to Z-Guard and Teepee transitions to sweep or back take stuff.
And yes! Gonzoil BJJ limited edition “…the saga continues” shirts are in! If you’re kicking yourself for not putting an order in we may have something here for you.
Dear Parents,
Please be advised that kids kung fu class tomorrow is on early (9am) due to the adults grading. Thank you for working with us on this!
See you all tomorrow!
Frances’ Conditioning class is cancelled for the day due to the kids class being on at that time.
The grading starts at approximately 10:15am. If you’re grading get in early to warm up and shake off any nerves. If your assisting, thank you in advance! If you’re sparring remember to warm up. If you’re watching, get loud, take photos, take videos, most of all be there for your mates.
After party is at the Cauliflower Hotel, then after after party is at the Abbotts Hotel after BJJ on Sunday for the UFC.
See you then!!
Hi guys,
Tonight and friday last big hit out for grading …It’s shaping up with John the Kraken and Charlie coming in as late Black Belt entries… fantastic!
See you tonight class will run till at least to 7.15 we’ve got lots to do!!
Kuen yao summ faat.
Starting tomorrow, kids classes are back on at 11am on Saturday. Hope everyone has had a fun time away and are ready to get back into it.
Adults Grading is next weekend so please everyone get your names down before the end of the weekend as belts will be getting ordered on Monday. This also means that NEXT Saturday’s kid’s class will start at 9am.
We might have an issue with getting tonight’s 6:30pm class covered – Mayur and Vadim are sick – so keep an eye out on Facebook for updates.
Thanks everyone!
See you soon.
Tonight’s BJJ at 5:45pm with March is Rubber Guard basics.
Friday’s 6:30pm Wing Chun class with Vadim is blocks and footwork practice – main focus kan sao/split block. Plus trapping hands and sparring drills.
Friday lunch is sparring with Sifu.
Last call to get your order in for the latest BJJ tees! Anyone who pre-orders gets $10-15 off current merchandise!! This will be a LIMITED RUN!! Pre-orders filled only!! Order yours today.
Friday’s 6:30pm class with Mayur is Chi Sau drills focusing on Bil Sau instalment 2, taking the back and sparring.
Saturday’s 9am class with Frances is dynamic stretching to warm up, boxers conditioning, boxing and kicking combos in rounds, then finishing up with a stretch!
Saturday at 10am is with Sifu and is all about extended combat techniques.
Kids classes are not on due to school holidays!
You have 10 days left to order and pay for your Gonzoil BJJ Tees! As a special thank you for your support, we are offering $10 off current t-shirt stock and $15 off hoodie stock with every pre-order. Get yours in today!
See you on the mat!
Firstly, lunch class BJJ is awesome. I had the day off 2 weeks ago so went in for the class. We started with some Tool and rolling, then Andrew detailed chokes for each of us to work on and improve and positions and passes we were having trouble with during rolling to work on and improve. If you can make it in on a weekday lunch then do it, it’s a great learning experience.
Tonight’s BJJ at 5:45 with March is finishing our work on the escape loop (2 escapes – 3 for advanced – to dominant positions to reversal) and attack from kimura lock loop (4 attacks – or 6 for advanced – to dominant position to partner escape to next attck). The guys will video them at the end for everyone who missed it. So don’t miss it! The movie is never as good as the real thing!!
Hope everyone is thinking about grading at the end of the month!! The grading sheets should be at the front desk to put your names down. Do it now! Commit to it, the rest will work itself out.
Hi guys,
Hanging to get back on the mat! See you tonight, got some interesting drills to play with. Thank you to everyone that helped keep the school pumping. I have to also thank everyone that looked after me while I was away which I will do in a more comprehensive email in a couple of days. But for now… See you on the mat!
Contact Sydney Kung Fu & BJJ Academy (HQ)
Phone 0423 610 695
Email info@redboatkungfu.com
24-26 Botany Road
Alexandria, NSW 2015
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