Often, Sometimes, Rarely? BJJ and Boxing Foundations…Please Reply!
Dear members, fans and friends!
We plan on trialling a BJJ Foundations class on a Tuesday night and a Boxing Foundations class on a Thursday night – both at 7.15pm.
Please reply to this post or email stating “YES” that you’re interested in these classes, “BJJ” and/or “BOXING” and “OFTEN”, “SOMETIMES” or “RARELY” as to which class(es) and how regularly you would be attending these classes on a week-to-week basis.
Thank you in advance for your input!
Classes today are:
4.30pm Over 10’s JMAP (Junior Martial Arts Program)
6pm BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)
Friday classes:
12.15pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
6.30pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
See you on the mat!
Red Boat Team