Hi everyone greetings …
Great first week thankyou for your efforts (not to mention 18+ on Sunday morning’s BJJ!)..This week we add trapping hands to our classes i have some fun drills to go thru with you…morning classes start in Feb tuesday and thursday 6.30 am …True boxing and Wing Chun foundation see you there …
Also on Feb 2nd we will be starting Peak Perfomance …This is a complete study on every aspect of Diet, Training and Elite Athlete Psychology a vast evolution from the Spartan course..The results achieved thus far are astounding a detailed outline will follow..This is available to interstate and international students simultaneously you will achieve identical results no matter where you are, an event will be created for you to register…
I am going thru the entire grading structure at the moment to cull some things and reinforce it with more up to date material i’ll keep you posted..Also i will be introducing a fitness test system for all levels performed 1 month prior to grading this will ensure you are ready and able on the day !!..The tests themselves will be gleaned from the fitness tests of elite fighting forces such as the SAS…Navy seals…Commandos and more … And will become progressively more challenging as you move up the ranks this will also ensure the highest possible standards are being met …Also dont forget the 500 challenge ….500 rounds of sparring in a calender year all sparring contributes to this chi sau sparring , cross arm , hand fighting ..fingerless gloves , 16 ounce …So all rounds must be timed !!… Okay thats alot to digest
…See on the mat tonight for True Boxing!…
Regards Sifu